About AISA

The Australian Information Security Association (AISA) works to advance the digital security and safety of Australian and Australia. 

As the nationally recognised peak body for cyber security professionals, AISA continually develops and supports the workforce that underpins the nation’s cyber security. With a membership of more than 12,500 people, AISA also provides a voice in national discussions about what is needed in policy and law to most effectively defend Australians from cyberattacks, including ways to improve digital privacy.

We view digital security and safety as a ‘public good,’ like other public goods such as clean air and reliable water supply. Ensuring all members of the Australian community can enjoy this public good drives our many activities. These include:
    • Practical training as well as opportunities for specialist knowledge-sharing among our membership at our conferences and SecDays in order to ensure a workforce that is up to date in a fast-moving field
    • Public outreach, such as public education campaigns for young people at festivals in schools 
    • Free online tools to help Australians and their organisations
    • Research to facilitate best practice, such as the studying the impact of new or changing technologies on Australian cyber security and the needs of those who both work in and employ staff in cyber security to do their jobs well
    • Advocacy and information on ways to improve Australia’s cyber security and digital privacy, to governments as well as industries 
    • Mentoring in order to help small to medium sized organisations with fewer resources than large corporations to ‘skill-up’ in cyber security while also addressing the national skills shortage in this field
    • Specialist news access for our members so they can follow and act on data breaches and other important cyber security events
    • Innovative forums to share learning, knowledge, skills, experience, ideas and innovation in the information security and privacy field
    • Help to organisations to reduce identity theft, financial crimes, fraud, unauthorised access to information systems and the data they contain
AISA provides support for all domains in information security and privacy with a particular focus on sharing expertise from the field at meetings, focus groups and networking opportunities around Australia. We champion the development of a robust information security sector by building the capacity of professionals to help the entire Australian community including the Australian public, businesses and governments.


Our Vision

AISA's vision is for a world where all people, businesses and governments are educated about the risks and dangers of cyberattacks and data theft, and are able to protect themselves.


AISA is an independent not-for-profit charity, regulated by the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC). To do this most effectively,  AISA is structured as a not-for-profit, public company limited by guarantee. We are a member-based organisation greatly assisted by volunteers and industry advisors.    

AISA is also governed by a constitution and a number of other supporting documents, these are the rules and practices that govern the management of the association. 

The Board of Directors controls and manages the affairs of AISA.  They provides insight and knowledge from their individual area of expertise, facilitate the execution of AISA's strategy, and govern the organisation in line with the constitution and related policies. 

Each branch has a member elected Branch Executive who is primarily responsible for organising branch meetings and activities with the assistance of their local Branch Committee.